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38 aquathol super k granular herbicide

Aquathol Super K | Super K Herbicide - Parsons Pest Management Aquathol Super K Herbicide is 6 times more concentrated than the regular Aquathol Granular! This means less product to handle and store, less labor it takes to apply Super K, and ALOT fewer containers to rinse and dispose of. Benefits of Aquathol Super K Herbicides Include: Reduced Handling and Storage Reduced Labor Reduced Container Disposal Aquathol Super K Granular - Aquacide Aquathol Super K Granular with potassium endothall is a selective, rapid-acting, contact herbicide. Controls submersed weeds in lakes and ponds. Works rapidly enough to be effective in both still and slow-moving water. Aquathol Super K Granular is a convenient ready-to-use granular product. Nothing to mix or spray.

Aquathol Super K Granulated Aquatic Herbicide - 40 Lbs. $877.70 Description Aquathol Super K is a unique concentrated granular formulation and one of the most versatile and effective aquatic herbicides ever developed. It's an excellent Aquatic Habitat Management tool that can provide season long control of a broad spectrum of submerged weeds often found in small lakes and ponds.

Aquathol super k granular herbicide

Aquathol super k granular herbicide

Aquathol Super K Granular Aquatic Herbicide, UPI | Forestry ... Aquathol Super K is a unique concentrated granular formulation and one of the most versatile and effective aquatic herbicides ever developed. It's an excellent Aquatic Habitat Management tool that can provide season long control of a broad spectrum of submerged weeds often found in small lakes and ponds. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. HB Pond Management - Aquathol Super K Herbicide Aquathol Super K Granular or Liquid Aquatic Herbicide is quite frankly the very best aquatic herbicide available. Aquathol Super K herbicide utilizes Culigel® super absorbent polymer technology and is 6 times more concentrated than regular Aquathol. This means less product to handle, less labor to apply and reduced container disposal. PDF US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, AQUATHOL SUPER K GRANULAR AQUATIC ... • Do not use Aquathol Super K in brackish or saitwater. • Avoid contact of granules directly or by drift with non-target plants or crops as injury may resuit. HOW TO APPLY: I Aquathol Super K is a contact herbicide; consequently, apply when target plants are present. Apply Aquathol Super K as evenly as pos­ sible over areas to be treated.

Aquathol super k granular herbicide. Aquathol Super K - Lake Pro, Inc Aquathol Super K is a contact herbicide that effectively controls most Pondweeds. It is LakePro's preferred herbicide for Large and Illinois Pondweeds. Aquathol Super K is a granular formulation that can be broadcast by hand or through a spreader. Available in 10-pound containers. PRODUCT CANNOT BE SHIPPED TO THE FOLLOWING STATES: Aquathol Super K Aquatic Granular Herbicide 10 lb. | SiteOne Aquathol Super K Aquatic Granular Herbicide 10 lb. RETAIL PRICE $602.02 / Each Log in to see your price Special Order Only. Check Other Stores This item is not stocked nearby. If you need this item now, you can Check In Stock items at Other Stores in your expanded area, or contact your branch at (770)-442-8881 to place a special order. AQUATHOL GRANULAR SUPER K HERBICIDE - 10 lbs. - AKT Specialty Aquathol Super K Granular herbicide utilizing Culigel® super absorbent polymer technology provides control of a wide range of submersed weeds with a higher concentration of active ingredient than Aquathol K liquid. Details. This item is considered HAZMAT shipping ORDERING INFO: • Must ship by Ground or Truck Freight ONLY. Aquathol K - Lake Pro, Inc It is LakePro's preferred herbicide for Curly, Thin, and Sago Pondweeds. Aquathol K is a liquid formulation that can be applied to the target area by hand or with a sprayer. For best results, we recommend using an adjuvant, such as Cygnet Plus and a catalyst such as LakePro Enzyme. Available in 1-gallon containers.

Aquathol Super K Herbicides Comes Granular or Liquid Form Description AQUL25 Aquathol Liquid Super K Herbicide - 2.5 gallon Granular herbicide utilizing Culigel¨ super absorbent polymer technology Six times more concentrated than regular Aquathol Excellent for spot treatment of hydrilla, pondweed and Eurasian milfoil Dosage rate is variable according to plant species Aquathol Super K - Where to buy Aquathol Super K Granular Aquatic ... $14.95 More info Label/SDS Reviews (1) Aquathol Super K Granular Aquatic Herbicide Endothall - 10 Lbs is a unique concentrated granular formulation and one of the most versatile and effective aquatic herbicides ever developed. Aquathol Super K is not toxic to fish or other aquatic organisms, and has a relatively short half-life in the water. Aquathol Super K Granulated Aquatic Herbicide - 10 Lbs. - Seed Ranch Description Aquathol Super K is a unique concentrated granular formulation and one of the most versatile and effective aquatic herbicides ever developed. It's an excellent Aquatic Habitat Management tool that can provide season long control of a broad spectrum of submerged weeds often found in small lakes and ponds. Aquathol® K - UPL Aquatics Aquathol®K is one of the most versatile and effective aquatic herbicides ever developed. It is an excellent tool that can provide season­long control of a broad spectrum of submerged weeds. ... Aquathol® K Facts: Not toxic to fish or other aquatic organisms when applied according to the label. Has a relatively short half­-life in water ...

Aquathol Super K - Granular 10lb Bag 1/2 Acre Control Free Ship $275.88 Aquathol Super K - Granular 10lb Bag up to 1/2 Acre Coverage - Free Ship Aquathol Super K - Controls: Control of submerged weeds such as Hydrilla, Eurasian Water Milfoil and Curly Leaf Pondweed without harming other beneficial species such as Vallisneria, Water Stargrass, Chara, and Nitella. Aquathol® Super K - UPL Aquatics Hydrothol® Granular Symmetry® NXG Teton® Aquathol® Super K is a unique concentrated granular formulation and one of the most versatile and effective aquatic herbicides ever developed. It's an excellent Aquatic Habitat Management tool that can provide season long control of a broad spectrum of submerged weeds often found in small lakes and ponds. Aquathol Liquid Super K Herbicide - Pond Warehouse Product Description Aquathol Liquid Super K Herbicide Granular herbicide utilizing Culigel super absorbent polymer technology Six times more concentrated than regular Aquathol Excellent for spot treatment of hydrilla, pondweed and Eurasian milfoil Dosage rate is variable according to plant species United Phosphorus Inc Aquathol Super K Granular 20 lb Lake and Pond ... Aquathol Super K Granulated Aquatic Herbicide Aquathol Super K is a concentrated, granulated formulation containing 63% Dipotassium salt of endothall. Hydrilla, Milfoil, and many varieties of Pondweed are among the pest species it controls. Minimal Water Use Restrictions Not toxic to fish Short half-life in the environment Can provide season ...

Aquatic Herbicide | Pond Herbicide | The Pond Guy Aquathol Aquatic Herbicide. Select Size. 530159 - Liquid - 1 Gallon $149.99. 3+ $139.00. 530196 - 1 Gallon with Treatment Booster Plus $160.00. 530136 - Super K Granular - 10 Pounds $369.99. 3+ $339.00. Details.

Aquathol Super K Granular Aquatic Herbicide 10 lb - Natural Waterscapes Aquathol Super K Aquatic Herbicide. Broad Spectrum Granular Aquatic Herbicide- Submerged Weed Control. A great treatment choice for plants growing in deeper water; Broadcast over actively growing plants; 10lbs treats up to 12,500 square feet. Aquathol K Active Ingredient: Dipotassium Salt of Endotholl Kill submerged pond weeds including:

PDF Aquathol® Super K - Us Epa AQUATHOL SUPER K is a granular aquatic herbicide for use in ponds and lakes which, under field test conditions has shown to be effective against a broad range of aquatic plants with a margin of safety to fish. Dosage rates indicated for the applications of AQUATHOL SUPER K

Aquathol Super K - Cygnet Enterprises Aquathol Super K. Product. Information. Container Size. Dipotassium Salt of. Endotholl: 63%. Aquathol Super K is a highly concentrated granular form of Aquathol. It is for use in ponds and lakes. It has been shown to be effective against a broad range of aquatic plants.

Aquathol Super K Granular Herbicide | Lake & Pond Weed Control Description Aquathol Super K granular herbicide is a highly concentrated granule form of Aquathol K liquid herbicide. Super K is 63% active ingredient and is for use in ponds and lakes. It has been shown to be effective against a broad range of aquatic plants.

Aquathol Super K Granular Aquatic Herbicide - The Pond Shop® Aquathol® Super K Granular with potassium endothall is a rapid-acting aquatic herbicide. Controls submersed weeds in lakes, ponds and water drainages. Works rapidly enough to be effective in both still and slow-moving water. Aquathol® Super K Granular is a convenient ready-to-use granular product. Nothing to mix or spray.

Aquathol Super K Granular 10# - Living Water Aeration Description. Aquathol Super K Granular herbicide utilizing Culigel super absorbent polymer technology Six times more concentrated than regular Aquathol Excellent for spot treatment of hydrilla, pondweed and Eurasian milfoil Dosage rate is variable according to plant species Available in granular form in 10 and 20 pound containers or in 1 gallon ...

Aquathol Super K Aquatic Herbicide & Aquatic Weed Control Aquathol® Super K is a highly concentrated, granular aquatic herbicide that controls a wide variety of submerged weed types, most notably milfoil and hydrilla. Aquathol® Super K is also used in Curlyleaf pondweed applications in cooler water temperatures. Excellent for milfoil and hydrilla control EPA Approved No swimming or fishing restrictions

Aquathol Granular, Super K 10 Pounds - Pond Solutions, Inc. Product Description Aquathol granular herbicide utilizes Culigel super absorbent polymer technology. Aquathol Super K is six times more concentrated than regular Aquathol. This means less product to handle, less labor to apply and reduced container disposal. Excellent for spot treatment of hydrilla, pondweed and Eurasian milfoil.

Aquathol Super K Granular Herbicide - 10 LB BAG | Reinders Aquathol Super K is a highly concentrated granular form of Aquathol. It is for use in ponds and lakes. It has been shown to be effective against a broad range of aquatic plants. Aquathol K has a wide margin of tolerance for fish and other aquatic animals. Dosage rates indicated for the application of Aquathol K are measured in parts per million ...

Aquathol Super K Liquid 1 Gallon - Aquathol Super K Granular herbicide utilizing Culigel super absorbent polymer technology Six times more concentrated than regular Aquathol Excellent for spot treatment of hydrilla, pondweed and Eurasian milfoil Dosage rate is variable according to plant species Available in granular form in 10 and 20 pound containers or in 1 gallon and 2.5 gallon liquid form SHIPS AS HAZARDOUS MATERIAL.

PDF US EPA, Pesticide Product Label, AQUATHOL SUPER K GRANULAR AQUATIC ... • Do not use Aquathol Super K in brackish or saitwater. • Avoid contact of granules directly or by drift with non-target plants or crops as injury may resuit. HOW TO APPLY: I Aquathol Super K is a contact herbicide; consequently, apply when target plants are present. Apply Aquathol Super K as evenly as pos­ sible over areas to be treated.

HB Pond Management - Aquathol Super K Herbicide Aquathol Super K Granular or Liquid Aquatic Herbicide is quite frankly the very best aquatic herbicide available. Aquathol Super K herbicide utilizes Culigel® super absorbent polymer technology and is 6 times more concentrated than regular Aquathol. This means less product to handle, less labor to apply and reduced container disposal.

Aquathol Super K Granular Aquatic Herbicide, UPI | Forestry ... Aquathol Super K is a unique concentrated granular formulation and one of the most versatile and effective aquatic herbicides ever developed. It's an excellent Aquatic Habitat Management tool that can provide season long control of a broad spectrum of submerged weeds often found in small lakes and ponds. ALL SALES ARE FINAL.

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